Since there is a lot of false information circulating on the topics of refugees and migration, we have developed a realistic but child-friendly educational palette for children (in German).
We were approached by teachers who wanted useful working material for school lessons. StrickWärme then produced the children's book Kinderbuch „Warum Souraya ihre Heimat verlassen musste“.
In 2017 the accompanying Workbookfollowed, which discusses questions from the plot of the book. With it, teachers or parents can deepen the child's knowledge on the subject of flight.
Also in 2017, the short film Kurzfilm „Ein aussergewöhnlicher Schultag“ was produced in cooperation with the Quartier-Verein Enge.
The three-step project proposal for teachers
Level 1: Educational package
With the StrickWärme educational package you as a teacher can independently and optimally deal with the subject of escape with school children in 4th-6th grade. Order the Book and the Workbook from our shop today. The short film can be ordered for school purposes via e-mail.
Level 2: own engagement
Sie möchten Empathie bei ihren SchülerInnen erzeugen, indem sie selbst gleichaltrigen Flüchtlingen helfen? Sie können sich einsetzen, indem sie mit einem Kuchenverkauf, einem Musikschulkonzert, einem Sponsorenlauf, usw. Geld sammeln, das wir beispielsweise für das Trauma-Zentrum „Happiness Again“ einsetzen. Ein Dankesfoto wird auf Wunsch organisiert!
Level 3: Deepen your understanding of the topic
Would you like to discuss the subject of escape with your class in greater depth? Contact us (info(at)strickwaerme.ch)! We will be happy to report to your class about our practical experience in helping refugees. Maybe an escaped person can also answer the questions of her class. We help with the organisation.